Social Responsibility and Property Development in Dubai: Mansion in Dubai and Dubai Luxury Houses
There can be little doubt that the Dubai property market
is extensive, with properties ranging from apartments to mansions
for sale Dubai. Zawaya Property is able to provide their clients
with a full range of property services for buyers, owners, landlords and
tenants in both the residential and commercial real estate markets.
Preserving Legacies
Preserving Legacies
As one of the UAE's largest Islamic endowment property portfolio managers, Zawaya Property bases its business ethos on using sustainable asset management models and ethical principles to preserve legacies. This includes full lifecycle thinking, high levels of efficiency with no wastage, long-term maximisation of ROI and last, but certainly not least, socially responsible administration.
Social Responsibility
When the term socially responsible is used, most will have some idea of the general intention, but what specific initiatives can other companies implement to enhance their social responsibility credentials, in particular real estate companies?
One simple, but highly effective way is to make a contribution to a local cause. This can be done as a one-off donation, or as an on-going commitment through giving an annual allocation of profits. The beneficiaries can be single or numerous, of course, and the amount given varied according to company performance, for example.
Environmental Standards
Another way is by having facilities evaluated against a recognised standard for environmental effectiveness and efficiency, for example. This will act as an incentive to promote the best in terms of environmental practices across the company. This can also include some form of re-cycling programme in an effort to reduce environmental impact. As well as recycling, some companies are committed to becoming as paperless as possible, with aims to increase the use of digital technology as much as possible to replace paper. The establishment of a high-level environmental committee is another effective tool, and can work across the local community in addition to within the company.
Environmentally Friendly Materials
In terms of materials, socially aware companies, particularly real estate companies, can encourage the use of more environmentally friendly products in their building projects. This can also include selecting contractors who are familiar with such materials and are proactive in their use.
Sponsorship of Events
A highly visible activity can be to sponsor local events such as music festivals, sports events, art festivals and any other community events, which fit with the company's profile. This will not only help the communities in which the organisation works, but helps promote the company's image in the area. The company can utilise its existing social media networks to help promote these events.
The above are just a selection of the various initiatives and activities a company can implement and develop to not only help their communities and general environment, but to better promote the image of the company in the community in which it operates. If you would like to know more about Zawaya Property, and the range of real estate services it provides please get in touch.
Zawaya Property, mansions for sale Dubai,
real estate markets
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